Riverford Organic Farmers

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Did you know that you can order a box without a subscription? It's super easy - simply add the items you fancy to your basket and on the subsequent pop-up, click 'Only once'. Shop as and when you like by doing this, and if you'd rather pick individual items for your order, you can always build your own from scratch instead of selecting one of our set options.

Making your order work for you

Swap and swap again!

Choose exactly what you want from our full range of fruit, veg, and salad, as well as weekly essentials (such as milk, eggs, bread, and more).

Build your own box

You can easily change the type and size of your box, or frequency of your order, anytime you like. If you're after the same veg each week, our Familiar Favourites Veg Box may work for you.

No food waste here! Choose from our weekly menu of seasonal recipe boxes; we’ll deliver all the measured ingredients you need, and easy step-by-step instructions. Dinner sorted.

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Savour the flavours of every season, from old favourites at their best, to little-known British veg. We choose the tastiest varieties, and grow them slowly for the very best flavour - here are some of this season's highlights…

Seasonal stars



Jersey Royal


Shop our Seasonal stars

Grown slowly and naturally, on mineral-rich soil, for an exceptional nutty flavour and crunch.

Unique new potatoes from Jersey – very sweet and nutty, with paper-thin skin.

Delicate, tender, and bursting with spring sweetness - the flavour of asparagus just can't be beaten.

Indulge in the distinctive, tangy taste of Timperley Early rhubarb.

Make the most of your Riverford delivery

Our recipe hub

Hundreds of recipes from our farm chefs, for all occasions and seasons.

Riverford Hive

Our friendly Facebook community - sharing recipes, cooking tips and sustainable living ideas.

Veg Hacks

Short weekly videos on how to use up any leftover veg - simply follow along.

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Highest rated national food brand

© 2024 Riverford Organic Farmers Ltd, Buckfastleigh, Devon, TQ11 0JU, UK. Registered in England No. 3731570.

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